Professur für Sportmanagement

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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Werner

Professor für Sportmanagement


Publikationen der Professur

Werner, C., & Steiner, E. (2022). Einfluss von Kultur auf Kreativität. In M. Landes, E. Steiner, & T. Utz (Hrsg.), Kreativität und Innovation in Organisationen (S. 201–223). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Schöttl, K./Werner, Ch./Kainz, F. (2021): Die Rückkehr des Publikums in die Sportstätten aus der Zuschauer(-innen)-Perspektive, in: Causa Sport 3/2021, S. 313-316, Zürich

Kainz, F./ Schöttl, K./ Apitzsch T./ Werner, C. (2020): Marketing im Smart Stadium. In: M. Harwardt, P. Niermann, A. Schmutte & A. Steuernagel (Hrsg.). Führen und Managen in der digitalen Transformation: Trends, Best Practices und Herausforderungen, S. 401 – 412, Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden.

Tang, M., Werner, C., Cao, G, Tumasjan, A., Shen, J., Shi, J., & Spörrle, M. (2018). Creative expression and its evaluation in work-related verbal tasks: A comparison between Chinese and German samples. Journal of Creative Behavior, 52(1), 91-103.

Tang, M., Werner, C. H., Hofreiter, S. (2018). Creativity alone does not make a star – Social Attributes of the Nomination of Creative Icons: Results of a Trend Study in Germany. Frontiers in Psychology (special issue of “Creative Processes and Products”).

Werner, C. H., Tang, M., & Schmidt, J. (2018).  How creativity meets innovation? The ICI Approach. Invited speech at the Creativity Week, 4-8 June, 2018, Webster University, Geneva, Switzerland.

Tang, M., & Werner, C. (2017) (Eds.). Handbook of the Management of Creativity and Innovation: Theory and practice. Singapore: World Scientific Press.

Tang, M., & Werner, C. H. (2017). Interdisciplinary and intercultural approaches to creativity and innovation: Example of the EMCI ERASMUS Intensive Program. In M. Tang & C. H. Werner (Eds.), Handbook of the management of creativity and innovation: Theory and practice (Chap. 4, pp.73-96). Singapore: World Scientific Press.

Werner, C. H., & Tang, M. (2017). Essentials of te management of creativity and innovation in education, business, and engineering. In M. Tang & C. H. Werner (Eds.), Handbook of the management of creativity and innovation: Theory and practice (Chap. 18, pp.347-364). Singapore: World Scientific Press.

Tang, M., & Werner, H. C. (2017). An Interdisciplinary and intercultural approach to creativity and innovation: Evaluation of the EMCI ERASMUS Intensive Program. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 24, 268-278.

Tang, M., Werner, C., & Karwowski, M. (2016). Differences in creative mindset between Germany and Poland: The mediating effect of individualism and collectivism. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 21, 31-40.

Werner, C., & Tang, M. (2016). Diversity, risk-taking, risk Management and group creativity: Experience of an ERASMUS Intensive Program. In M. Sand (Ed.), Adventure, Erlebnis und Bildung: Adventuremanagement in Theorien und Praxis (pp. 6-19). Augsburg: ZIEL.

Tang, M., Werner, C., Tumasjan, A., Cao, G., Shen, J., Shi., J., & Spörrle, M. (2015). Culture predicts creative expression and its evaluation in work-related verbal tasks: A comparison between Chinese and German samples. Journal of Creative Behavior. Article first published online: 31 DEC 2015, DOI: 10.1002/jocb.134

Werner, C./ Tang, M./ Kruse, J./ Kaufman, J. & Spörrle, M. (2014): Revised Creativity Domain Questionnaire: Examination of the factor structure and its relation to Big Five personality dimensions in a Chinese sample. Journal of Creative Behavior, 48(4), 254-275.

Werner, Ch./ Haupt, T./ Kainz, F. (2013): Organisationskultur, in: Ch. Werner & M. Elbe(Hrsg.): Handbuch Organisationsdiagnose (S.159-174), Herbert Utz Verlag, München.

Werner, CH./ Kainz, F. (2012): Action Learning im Kontext semivirtueller Lehre, in: Hauser, Bernhard (2012): Action Learning, managerSeminare Verlags GmbH, Bonn-

Werner, C., Tang, M., Schmidt, J., & Spörrle, M. (2012). Effective management of creativity and innovation: Introduction to an Erasmus IP Project. Creative Personality,10, 96-102.

Kainz, F./ Werner, C. (2011): Berufliche Kompetenzen und Kompetenzentwicklung älterer und jüngerer Generationen, in Eckert/ von Hippel/ Pietraß/ Schmid-Hertha/ (2011): Bildung der Generationen, VS Verlag, Wiesbaden.

Werner, C., Tang, L. M., Schmidt, J., Mielke, A., Spörrle, M., Neber, H., Zhou, Z., Zhao, X., & Cao, G. (2011). Applied creativity across domains and cultures: Integrating Eastern and Western perspectives. Creative Personality, 9, 228–240.

Werner, C., Cao, G., Tang, M., Tumasjan, A., Shi, J., Shen, J., & Spörrle M. (2010). This is not about art, it’s about work: Comparing Chinese to Germans regarding creative performance on the basis of job-related verbal tasks. In Tan A. G. (ed.), Creativity in Business and Education: Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Aspects (Chap. 9; pp. 97-115). Singapore: Printers Pte Ltd.

Elbe, M./ Kainz, F./ Werner, C./ Schüller, K. (2006): Forschungs- und Projektbericht über die Schulentwicklungskonzeption 2012 für die weiterführenden Schulen im Landkreis Erding, Landratsamt Erding.

Hofreiter, S., Zhou, X., Tang, M., Werner, C. H., & James C. Kaufman, J. C. (in review). COVID-19 lockdown and creativity: Exploring the role of emotions and motivation on creative activities from the Chinese and German perspectives. Frontiers in Psychology.

Tang, M., Werner, C., Cao, G, Tumasjan, A., Shen, J., Shi, J., & Spörrle, M. (2018). Creative expression and its evaluation in work-related verbal tasks: A comparison between Chinese and German samples. Journal of Creative Behavior, 52(1), 91-103.

Tang, M., Werner, C. H., & Yi, X. (2017, August). What do we mean by creativity? Voices of Laypersons from Six Different Countries. Symposium presentation at the 125th American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, August 3-6, 2017, Washington DC, USA.

Tang, M., & Werner, C. H. (2017, July). Managing creativity and innovation: Theories and practice from the fields of psychology, education, business and engineering. Presentation at the 15th conference of the International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE), July 3-5, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.

Werner, C., & Tang, M. (2015, November). Kulturelle Vielfalt, Risikobereitschaft, Risikomanagement und Gruppenkreativität. Kongress für Adventuremanagement, November 17, 2015, Treuchtlingen, Germany.

Werner, C., Spörrle, M., & Tang, M. (2014, August). Talents approaching a globalized future: Three guiding principles for the future of talent management and development across educational institutions. Keynote speech at the 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness, August 3 – 6, 2014, Beijing, P. R. China.

Tang, M. Werner, C., Schmidt, J., & Spörrle, M. (2014, July). Preparing students to manage creativity and innovation in an intercultural context: Design, delivery and evaluation of the EMCI training program. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Excellence in Education: The Creativity-Innovation Challenge, July 7-10, 2014, Paris, France.

Werner, C., Tang, M., Kruse, J., Kaufman, J., & Spörrle, M. (2014). The Chinese Version of the Revised Creativity Domain Questionnaire (CDQ-R): First Evidence for its Factorial Validity and Systematic Association with the Big Five. Journal of Creative Behavior, 48(4), 254-275.

Werner, C., Tang, M., Schmidt, J., & Spörrle, M. (2012, November). Effective management of creativity and innovation: Introduction to an Erasmus IP Project. Keynote speech at the International Conference on Creativity of the Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy, 23-24 Nov., Riga, Latvia.

Spörrle, M., Tang, M., Zhang, H., Agthe, M., & Werner, C. (2012, May). The green footprint of innovation: Perceived creativity of a country incrementally predicts green country image. Paper presented at the 41st Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 22-25 May, Lisbon, Portugal.

Werner, C., Cao, G., Mielke, A., Neber, H., Schmidt, J., Spörrle M., Tang, M., Zhao, X., & Zhou, Z. (2010, November). Applied creativity across domains and cultures: Integrating the Eastern and Western perspectives. Paper presented at the 15th International Creativity Conference “Creativity Research and Development for the Human Resource Development”, 5-6 November, 2010, Riga, Latvia.

Kainz F./ Haupt T./ Werner Ch./ Seitz P. (2018): „eSport“: Mehr als eine momentane Spielerei, in: Causa Sport 02/ 2018, Zürich, S. 153-160.

Kainz, F./ Werner, Ch./ Haupt, T./ Sotiriadou, P./ Schöttl, K./ Lohneiss, A. (2017): Digital Sports Branding: A Comparitve Study Of Critical Success Factors For Digital Branding Strategies Of High-End Company Brands Versus Celebrity Athlete Brands, in: European Associaton for Sport Management Conference (EASM), Bern, Schweiz.

Haupt, T./ Kainz, F./ Herberth, C./ Schöttl, K./ Werner, C. (2016). Neue Märkte im professionellen Sportmanagement—Implikationen, Chancen und Herausforderungen für das Sportmarketing im digitalen Social-Media-Zeitalter. Marketing Review St.Gallen, 33(4), 80–88.

Kainz, F./ Haupt, T./ Werner, Ch. (2015): Der Multi-Channel Ansatz im Social-Media-Controlling. Status Quo, Erfolgsfaktoren und Entwicklungstrends, in: Kainz, F./ Werner, Ch. (Hrsg.): Monitoring und Controlling im Social Media Marketing. Tagungsband zur 2. Expertentagung „Social Media Marketing im Spitzensport“. Schriftenreihe des internationalen Hochschulverbunds IUNworld Band 8, S. 6-16, Herbert Utz Verlag, München.

Haupt, T./Kainz, F./Oberlehner, Ch./Werner, Ch. (2015): Neue Märkte und Einnahmequellen durch strategisches Social Media Marketing im Sport, in: Causa Sport 2/2015, S. 124-129, Zürich

Kainz, F./ Werner, Ch. (2015): Monitoring und Controlling im Social Media Marketing. Tagungsband zur 2. Expertentagung „Social Media Marketing im Spitzensport“. Schriftenreihe des internationalen Hochschulverbunds IUNworld Band 8. München: Herbert Utz Verlag.

Kainz, F./ Haupt, T./ Werner, Ch. (2015): Der Multi-Channel Ansatz im Social-Media-Controlling. Status Quo, Erfolgsfaktoren und Entwicklungstrends, in: Kainz, F./ Werner, Ch. (Hrsg.): Monitoring und Controlling im Social Media Marketing. Tagungsband zur 2. Expertentagung „Social Media Marketing im Spitzensport“. Schriftenreihe des internationalen Hochschulverbunds IUNworld Band 8, S. 6-16, Herbert Utz Verlag, München.

Kainz, F./ Krey, F./ Werner, Ch. (2015): Trends und Herausforderungen für Sponsoring im Sport. Mit besonderem Fokus auf die digitale Welt des professionellen Fußballs, in: Kainz, F./ Werner, Ch. (Hrsg.): Monitoring und Controlling im Social Media Marketing. Tagungsband zur 2. Expertentagung „Social Media Marketing im Spitzensport“. Schriftenreihe des internationalen Hochschulverbunds IUNworld Band 8, S. 84-89, Herbert Utz Verlag, München.

Haupt, T./Kainz, F./ Oberlehner, Ch./Werner, Ch. (2015): Neue Märkte und Einnahmequellen durch strategisches Social Media Marketing im Sport, in: Causa Sport 2/2015, S. 124-129, Zürich.

Kainz, F./ Werner, Ch. (2014): Social Media Marketing und Kapitalisierungsmöglichkeiten im Spitzensport. Eine empirische Erfolgsfaktorenanalyse im Rahmen der 1. Fußball-Bundesliga. Schriftenreihe des internationalen Hochschulverbunds IUNworld Band 6. München: Herbert Utz Verlag.

Werner, Ch./Kainz, F./Haupt, T./Ansari, S. (2014): Social Media Marketing für Hochschulen, in: Schikora, C. (Hrsg.): Grundlagen Onlinemarketing – SEO, SEA und Social Media. Schriftenreihe für angewandtes Management, Band 5. München: Herbert Utz Verlag.

Kainz, F./ Oberlehner, C./Krey, F./Werner, Ch. (2014): Social Media Marketing im Fußball – aktuelle Trends und Lerneffekte für die Unternehmenswelt. St. Gallen Marketing Review, St. Gallen.

Kainz, F./ Krey, F./ Werner, Ch. (2014): Social Media – eine der Herausforderungen bei der Digitalisierung des Sports, in: Stadionwelt Inside 1/2014, S. 2, Brühl.

Kainz, F/ Werner, Ch./ Haupt, T (2013): Wirtschaftsfaktor „Transfer“ – Ökonomische Reflektion rund um das Thema Fußball, in Causa Sport 2/2013, S. 78-82, Zürich.

Kainz, F./ Werner, Ch. (2012): Sportwetten – mit oder ohne Grenzen, in: Kainz, F./ Scherrer, U./ Werner, Ch. (2012): Sportfinanzierung und Sportwetten. Reflexionen zu Phänomenen, Möglichkeiten und Gefahren im kommerziellen Sport. Schriftenreihe Causa Sport Band 6, Schulthess Juristosche Medien AG, Zürich.